Hi Luca,

--- Luca Capello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Ciao Kilian!
> Sorry, long post, I dug a bit into the different Debian packages, HTH!
> First of all, I started to investigate because on a clean and
> up-to-date sid (created as described at [1]) ekiga-snapshot doesn't
> depend on libopal-cvs and indeed:
> =====
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# apt-get install libpt-cvs-plugins-v4l2 ekiga-snapshot
> [...]
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   ekiga-snapshot libpt-cvs libpt-cvs-plugins-alsa libpt-cvs-plugins-v4l2
> [...]
> Setting up libpt-cvs (20070826-03-sid.1) ...
> Setting up libpt-cvs-plugins-alsa (20070826-03-sid.1) ...
> Setting up libpt-cvs-plugins-v4l2 (20070826-03-sid.1) ...
> Setting up ekiga-snapshot (20070828-02-sid.1) ...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# su luca
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/$ ekiga-snapshot
> ekiga-snapshot: error while loading shared libraries: libopal.so.2.3: \
>  cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> =====
> What's strange is the following:
> =====
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg-shlibdeps /usr/bin/ekiga-snapshot
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: could not find any packages for libopal.so.2.3
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unable to find dependency information for \
>  shared library libopal (soname 2.3, path libopal.so.2.3, dependency \
>  field Depends)
> dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: open new substvars file \
>  debian/substvars.new': No such file or directory
> =====
> So:
> =====
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# apt-get install libopal-cvs
> [...]
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   libgsm1 libopal-cvs libx264-54
> [...]
> Setting up libgsm1 (1.0.10-13) ...
> Setting up libx264-54 (0.svn20070309-5~sid.863) ...
> Setting up libopal-cvs (20070827-02-sid.1) ...
> =====
> Then, ekiga-snapshot crashes, but I already reported it at [2].
> On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 23:53:37 +0200, Kilian Krause wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 11:24:36PM +0200, Luca Capello wrote:
> >> 1) it tries to load libavcodec.so instead of libavcodec.so.1d (which
> >>    is in lenny/sid) or the one in the ekiga repository
> >>    (0.cvs20070307-7~sid.838 [1]) and as soon as the GUI appears it
> >>    crashes (first attachment)
> It seems that libavcodec is needed to build libopal-cvs, but strangely
> enough libopal-cvs doesn't depend on it (as you can check from the
> Packages.gz file at [3]).  Indeed, ldd and dpkg-shlibdeps don't show
> any link to libavcodec for the libopal-cvs libraries [4].  I'd say
> that libopal-cvs is definitively broken.

No, it is not. 
Actually a desired behaviour, libavcodec.so is loaded dynamically on runtime, 
and if it is not
found, some of ekiga's codecs (i.e. MPEG4 P 2, H.264, H.263+) will simply be 
deactivated (like you
wrote in your first email), but ekiga will br completely functional. So I would 
say points 1) and
2) of your original email is normal behavior. The debug output just tells you 
where it looks for
libavcodec.so and if it finds it. 

The same should be true for x264, ekiga/opal executes a helper process that is 
dynamically linked
to x264. In case that execution fails, H.264 should simply be deactivated, and 
ekiga should start
up anyway...

So your crashes have absolutely nothing to do with ffmpeg or x264. The casue is 
always your gnome

> >> [1] is there any particular reason for a non-official libavcodec1d
> >>     snapshot?
> >
> > that's from the ffmpeg-free source, isn't it? Well, actually there
> > is not. I just haven't come round to removing it everywhere and
> > re-adding only to the dists where it's required.
> FWIW, at least on amd64, libopal-cvs_20070827-02-sid.1 builds
> correctly without packages from the debian-multimedia.org repository,
> thus I'd remove the X-APT- lines from debian/control ;-)

Why is the libavcodec library's file called libavcodec.so.1d ? How shall the 
loader know that? I
was under the impression that usually we have a symlink libavcodec.so pointo to 
the correct

> Officially, it's missing lixb264, which has patent problems [5] :-(
> Stopping here for this evening...
> Thx, bye,
> Gismo / Luca
> Footnotes: 
> [1] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-tips.en.html#s-chroot
> [2] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/ekiga-devel-list/2007-August/msg00042.html
> [3] http://snapshots.ekiga.net/debian/dists/sid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz
> [4] $ for I in `dpkg -L libopal-cvs | grep so`; do
>           echo -n "[$I] ";
>           dpkg-shlibdeps -O "$I";
>           ldd "$I";
>       done
> [5] http://lists.debian.org/debian-bsd/2007/08/msg00014.html


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