El día Thursday, March 27, 2008 a las 11:13:15AM +0100, Matthias Apitz escribió:

> $ svn co svn://svn.videolan.org/x264/trunk x264
> Authentication realm: <svn://svn.videolan.org:3690> 
> df754926-b1dd-0310-bc7b-ec298dee348c
> Password for 'guru': 
> Authentication realm: <svn://svn.videolan.org:3690> 
> df754926-b1dd-0310-bc7b-ec298dee348c
> Username: 
> Password for '': 
> Authentication realm: <svn://svn.videolan.org:3690> 
> df754926-b1dd-0310-bc7b-ec298dee348c
> Username:
> ^C
> svn: Caught signal
> Hello,
> How is the access to H.264 via SVN organised? The page
> http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Additional_Information#x264_.28SVN.29
> just speaks about the above 'svn co' command

I'm really a bit lost in this x264 chaos :-(
The above checkout does not work, so I went to www.videolan.org to read
about their SVN, they point to their Wiki, the Wiki says that the page
is out dated and I should use http://wiki.videolan.org/Git
... :-(

what should I really do to get H.264 compiled for Ekiga? the FreeBSD
port collections brings:

Port:   x264-0.0.20070913
Path:   /usr/ports/multimedia/x264
Info:   Multimedia library and tool for encoding H.264/AVC video streams
WWW:    http://www.videolan.org/x264.html

would this be enough? thx

one I have it, I promise to describe it in



Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
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t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - w http://www.oclc.org/ http://www.UnixArea.de/
b http://gurucubano.blogspot.com/
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