Quoting Julien Puydt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Matthias Schneider a écrit :
> > I prefer the bridge if its in the object or the specific gmconf, since if I
> have
> > to do all these checks in the object itself, the already complicated code
> will
> > look even more complicated. And the gmconf-bridge does not do anything
> really,
> > apart from those checks...
> Yes, but that means you still have an object with a setter in a public
> api, which will gladly accept incorrect values leading to a crash.
> Snark

Hm, I was/am saving this discussion for post-3.00, but in my opinion the
gmconf-bridge class should be a part of the service class and all the function
calls made by the gmconf-bridges should be calls to private/protected
functions. I.e. I do not see this api as public since it is only called from
the configuration backend.


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