Quoting yannick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> I'm looking for a way to attract people testing our trunk version.
> I made some script for ubuntu to automate the compilation process but it
> use the root password and remove FFMPEG and related packages for
> installation thus is not designed to use in a cron without annoying the
> tester.
> In order to have a compilation process fully automated in the user home
> using cron I decided to try the compilation in my home directory.
> Here is what I have for now and where I'm stuck:
> cd ../ptlib/
> ./configure --enable-plugins --enable-v4l2=yes --enable-sunaudio=no
> --enable-oss=yes --prefix=$HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr --exec-prefix=
> $HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr --disable-sdl
> make
> make install
> cd ../ffmpeg/
> ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=$HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr --libdir=
> $HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr/lib --shlibdir=$HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr/lib
> --incdir=$HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr/include --mandir=
> $HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr/share/man
> make
> make install
> cd ../opal/
> export CPPFLAGS="-I$HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr/include"
> # The line above make configure happy for all video plugins...
> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr --exec-prefix=
> $HOME/build-ekiga-svn/usr --enable-localspeex
> --with-ffmpeg-src-dir=/home/$(whoami)/build-ekiga-svn/ffmpeg/
> make
> Here I end up with this:
> make[3]: entrant dans le répertoire
> « /home/yan/build-ekiga-svn/opal/plugins/video/H.264 »
> g++ -I../../../include -DLICENCE_MPL -DWITH_FFMPEG_SRC
> -DWITH_RFC_COMPLIANT_DEFAULTS -I../common -fPIC  -g -O2 -c h264-x264.cxx
> -o obj/h264-x264.o
> Dans le fichier inclus à partir de h264-x264.cxx:38:
> h264-x264.h:61:34: erreur: libavcodec/avcodec.h : Aucun fichier ou
> répertoire de ce type
> It can't find the file libavcodec/avcodec.h
> I suspect OPAL can not find where I put FFMPEG...
> Does someone have a hint and a bit of time to help me?
> Regards,
> Yannick

Hi Yannick,
ffmpeg guy changed the location of the include files from
include/libavcodec & friends
So unless you have a _very_ recent checkout of ffmpeg opal will look in the
wrong directory.


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