Hi Everybody,
I'm on a research about the possibility to use ekiga as a base platform for a 
browser controlled application. The main part of the application is Ambient 
Assisted Living. So you can imagine a senior who does shopping over the 
internet or has medical help form his doc over this page. Another part of the 
page is Video Communication. The problem that I have is that the browser is the 
Users Interface for all the Activities the webservice offers.
Till this moment I have tested Ekiga 3.0 an I'm very very satisfied with the 
abilities ekiga in the new Version has. I want to use ekiga for the 
Video-Communication for this Webservice. And this is my problem!
The webservice is a flash homepage and only this homepage has to be seen on for 
example a Touch-Panel-PC. The hardware doesn't matter in this moment. My 
problem is that the Homepage has to control all functions of ekiga for example 
Contacts, Communication establishment and so on. Also the Video Windows of the 
called person should be inside this app. And that is the main problem.
So here are my questions for you?
Is it possible to overlay the browsers picture with only the Videopicture 
without any windowdecorations on a fix place on the desk?
Further are there any interfaces, which I can use to develop my own application 
which communicates with the webservice for handle any call?
And is there the possibility to send the video stream to another sip address as 
the audio stream? (Video to a separate server which does the "RTP-to-Flash"?
If anything is not understandable please ask!
So long many thanks to the community.
Michael Heiser
Ekiga-devel-list mailing list

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