thomas schorpp wrote:
Alec Leamas schrieb:
Trying to explain this once again, hopefully better. Questions in the end...

The problem I try to solve is that users typically stores telephone numbers, often formatted and without countrycode, whereas Ekiga today requires a complete URL to place even an ordinary PSTN call.

No it doesn't. This is SIP-providers' switches business. A good VoIP/PSTN-provider with a fine designed switch does not require +<countrycode>... for local country #s. With e.g. You dial WYSIWYG on Ekiga's dialpad, care about only, press green and off you go.
But you still have to handle the suffix to connect to the right provider, which is a Bad Thing. And besides the expansion, there is also what happens when you paste a formatted number into Ekiga. And you run into trouble when making DBus/CLI calls to connect to a specific number since Ekiga of today does not have the notion of a default PSTN provider.

A more basic question is if Ekiga should support current users, and the providers they have. Or be used to put pressure on providers to implement certain features... I'm not sure that Ekiga currently is in the situation where it can put a pressure big enough to be useful. And users don't really want to wait for what the further spreading of electronic notepads and mobiles will lead to... Do you?

Note that this is *not* about supporting providers that break the standards. It's about supporting a reasonably wide set of providers, and the way they implement standards.

Skype is out there, people are actually comparing Ekiga w Skype. In Skype, you just enter the number, and it just works. Why should Ekiga be more complicated?

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