Michael Rickmann a écrit :
Hello everybody,
I have a new Windows version of Ekiga head based on attached minimal but rather effective patches. you find it in my directory at http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~mrickma/ekiga/ . As to the patches: 1) ekiga_linkmagic.diff : It allows the linker to chose WinMain as the entry point. Result is that the C-library is initialized properly and Ekiga exits gracefully, at least on XP. Additionally Ekiga can be compiled with the -mwindows flag as Michael Cronenworth suggested. 2) The option to start Ekiga on login which was given in the installer resulted in a non responsive icon in the Windows system tray. You could just quit or ask for help. Ekiga has its own option to start minimized which works very well under Windows. Please test whether the new attempt works for you. I would like to know whether Ekiga really shuts down on Vista or whether it has to be killed with the task manager.

I'm at my parents' place, and they have an EEE PC with some windows (XP if I am to believe the sticker), so I could give your build a try :
- the installer worked great -- it even upgraded the gtk+ runtime ;
- at first the ekiga.net account wouldn't connect : I had to close then reopen ekiga to have it register correctly (perhaps it's due to some firewall/antivirus?) ;
- the video preview works ok ;
- I couldn't call 5...@ekiga.net ; or more precisely, I asked to place the call and ended up with an ekiga which wasn't really in a call, and wasn't really off a call (it would only allow me to "Hang up" but that wouldn't do anything).

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