Le lundi 06 juillet 2009 à 16:12 +0200, yannick a écrit :
> Eugen Dedu a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > So we are preparing a new stable release.  What are the blocking bugs?
> > 
> > - picture in picture does not work sometimes
> > - -d 4 warnings about too many consecutive I-frames, still investigating
> > if it is harmful or not
> > - initially greyed image, seems only cosmetic, still investigating
> > 
> > Are there others?
> > 
> The PDU>1500 issue?
> Here is a report from a Ubnutu user (I know, I should not trust blindly
> a user, but i wont be able to test before tomorrow...):
> "No I hadn't installed any non-free codecs (not knowingly anyway).
> I wanted to confirm this so I booted from clean live USB memory stick
> image (Jaunty).
> Selected ekiga for installation.
> Synaptic informs that the following are required: libgsm1, libopal3.6.1,
> libpt2.6.1, libpt2.6.1-plugins-alsa, libpt2.6.1-plugins-v4l2. (All of
> these come from the Main repository).
> Once above are installed: Ekiga has the same problem as described above
> (PDU exceed 1500) and same solution as you describe above also works.
> Out-of-the-box Audio codecs: G722, Speex(16kHz), PCMA, PCMU, G726-16,
> G726-24, G726-32, G726-40, gsm, ms-gsm, Speex(8kHz).
> Out-of-the-box Video codecs: h261, theora.
> So, in answer to your question, only using default packages from Ubuntu
> is sufficient for PDU to exceed 1500."
> Do we need a workaround for this before a proper fix? (TCP support)

TCP support.
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone : http://www.ekiga.org/
v_/_   Be IP           : http://www.beip.be/
       FOSDEM          : http://www.fosdem.org/
       SIP Phone       : sip:dsand...@ekiga.net

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