Damien Sandras schrieb:
Le mercredi 22 juillet 2009 à 23:22 +0200, Michael Rickmann a écrit :
Damien Sandras schrieb:
Le mercredi 22 juillet 2009 à 19:49 +0200, Michael Rickmann a écrit :
I have a Vista notebook available for three days only. As already reported Ekiga has to be killed at shutdown. It seems a pecularity of Vista which can be overcome by several means.
if (Vista)
1) Wait at the end of the main thread ca. 5 secs, or
2) do Wait 100 msec, enumerate Ekiga's threads
    while (num_threads > 1)
The second possibility seems cleaner but is more work and will not look nice. What shall I do?
Do we have a bt to know why it deadlocks?
Most probably Robert can give us a hint in that case...
Yes, any deeper knowlege would be helpful here. At the moment I am poking around. So far I found out that it is just a matter of time. If I put a MessageBox which you have to click at the end of the Windows code Ekiga terminates under Vista properly. XP and 7Ultimate do not need that. The overall picture is that Ekiga's main thread exits and ptlib and opal are supposed to clean up their threads. The last one is the ptlib housekeeper thread.

I suppose it is extremely difficult to run Ekiga in gdb, hit ctrl-C when
it deadlocks and type 'threads apply all bt' ? The difficult part being
the Ctrl-C. Every time I tried, it was exiting gdb instead of
interrupting the program execution or do you have a tip for that ?
Robert will certainly ask for a backtrace.
Does the -d4 tell something interesting? (compared to a working version,
ie XP).
As to the ctrl-C, I got the work around from
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2006-06/msg00361.html working today,
unfortunately to late to test on the Vista computer of my daughter,
she has left again. What I do: 1) start Ekiga, 2) look up its PID in
taskmanager, 3) start gdb from an Msys shell and attach to the PID,
4) in a second Msys run debugbreak.exe PID . The debugbreak which I used
you find in
http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~mrickma/ekiga/others/debugbreak.zip .

Let me tell what I found out about Ekiga's termination under Vista,
first in general, then with a bit more detail.

1) Vista without service pack and without updates: crash on exit
2) Vista without service pack regularly updated: stuck on exit
    this is the state of my daughters notebook
3) Vista with SP1 but without updates: stuck on exit
4) Vista with SP1 + SP2 is upto date: crash on exit
    here I found a computer with Vista licence
    which we use downgraded to XP
Only tried under condition 2): you can get a small number of succesive
successful terminations by placing into the shutdown code of
src/gui/main.cpp either of
a) SetProcessPriorityBoost(GetCurrentProcess(), TRUE); i.e. disabling it
b) call_core->reference (), possibly delaying shutdown of Ekiga's opal component.
If Ekiga was killed or terminated by the b) hack quite frequently a
subsequent attempt to register with ekiga.net fails.

Now the details! I have preparared an archive at http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~mrickma/ekiga/vista-bug-logs.tar.gz (email to the list was bounced) with my attempts. ekiga-stderr-not.txt, ekiga-stderr-yes.txt and the try... folders are from a type 2) installation. They are really from a Vista computer and not from XP as the logs say. I am absolutely shure that ptlib's recognition is wrong here because on my daughter's computer I used her account. Dir vistasp2 is from a type 4) installation and xp-crash from my XP-SP2 at home. ekiga-stderr-not.txt, ekiga-stderr-yes.txt show the difference between the standard stuck and the priority changed (hack a)) behaviour of ekiga stable. All the other attempts are free from any hack. As I did not have the debugbreak running at that time I used for the try...s a break in ptlib/msos/win32.cxx, i.e. the C-library cleanup of Ekiga's GnomeMeeting PProcess-inheritance, and got mostly atypical performance. The only attempt which typically got stuck is try3. vistasp2 is from Vista-SP2, it always crashes. xp-crash shows that a similar crash can also be elicited on a usually sane behaving OS, when the break is set before the ptlib housekeeper is deleted.

A quick trial with yesterday's HEADS of Ekiga, Opal and Ptlib on type 2) also got stuck. Fair to say that above problems without the ones where I set unnatural break points do not exist under Windows 7 RC.

I am a bit puzzled at the moment and hope that the material is sufficient to get some help.

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