Michael Rickmann schrieb:
> Hi Dominik,
> thanks for your report.
> Dominik schrieb:
>> Hi Michael,
>> two minor bugs:
>> 1. At the end of the installation there is a checkbox "Run Ekiga". But
>> it doesn't start Ekiga.
> For me it works. Could it be that you had set Ekiga to start hidden,
> i.e. iconified in one of your previous installations?
Even then I would have at least a tray icon...  Actually, it depends on
the system installation.
I'm using the identical ekiga.conf file on my
- laptop: "run ekiga" never works. Sometimes (30%) I can see ekiga[.exe]
in the task manager. But only for half of a second.
- desktop (VirtualBox): It works always.

Both are WinXP SP3. The laptop is three years old and the VBox is quite
"naked". Antivir is disabled.
I let you know as soon as I have better information to localize the cause.

>> 2. Right click on the tray icon shows an empty list with two arrows.
>> After scolling down, the normal pop up entries appears. (info, help,
>> exit)
> Yes, that needs to be improved. I do not see the arrows but
> immediately get a rather slowly scrolling popup menu. It seems to be a
> Windows specific shortcoming of GTK+. Google found other people
> complaining about it.
> I would recommend attached patch which prevents Win32 Ekiga from
> calling the gtk_status_icon_position_menu function. So the menu will
> appear immediately right top of the mouse cursor. For Win32 this is
> definitely preferable.
> I just uploaded new "stable" ..3.2.pre6 files to
> http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~mrickma/ekiga for everybody to test. They are
> pretty up to date and contain my latest fixes, also the one which was
> contained in the previous ...exe.isitbetter to fix remnants of the
> greyed audio button bugs.
> Michael

- The audio bugs are solved. Great work!

- The arrows of the tray pop-up are also gone.
But, the popup doesn't disappear when I click e.g. on the desktop. (In
opposite to the linux version)
It only disappears when I choose an entry (help, quit,...) or click on
the main ekiga window. You you have the same problem?

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