Julien Puydt a écrit :
Michael Rickmann a écrit :
Ok I think I got that one working with attached patch which simply adds the -fexceptions flag to the AM_CXXFLAGS in src/Makefile.am as you had done already for the lib Makefile.am. But in general I am not happy with the C++ exceptions. It seems to add considerable overhad to Win32 ekiga. Can't we write a boost::throw_exception function which writes a PTRACE line and then exits and forget about the C++ exceptions?

Yes. You have a point. I'll see to it.

Done. Notice that I didn't remove the -fexceptions in lib/Makefile.am because a bug in the libboost on my system makes the compilation fail.


PS: that boost bug is fixed, but didn't find its way to debian unstable yet :
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