Am Mittwoch, den 23.09.2009, 09:44 +0200 schrieb Damien Sandras:
> Le mercredi 23 septembre 2009 à 09:35 +0200, Michael Rickmann a écrit :
> > After more than two weeks of absence I am back and will care a bit more
> > for Ekiga's Win32 port. So first thing to do was to build the new stable
> > release. You find the installers and how to build in
> > .
> Excellent!
> > The Win32 version has two issues:
> > 1) ptlib was patched with a workaround to let Ekiga terminate under
> >    Vista.  This is still a to do for 3.2.7 .
> What's the patch ?
It is the one from
A think that Robert is right in his comment that it plasters over a
deeper problem. I suspect that Vista's heap manager falls into a self
inflicted loop due to previous mishaps which we have caused. In the logs
you usually find the system times a thread has used, this also works for
XP and Win7, but only rarely under Vista. There seem to be a number of
threads which get killed (!!) before Vista gets stuck with the interface
monitor thread.

> > 2) The tray icon menu is difficult to close. Dragging a menu item onto
> >    the desktop helps.
> I don't understand.
Well, Windows' system tray seems pretty different from the notification
area which you find under linux. Gtk+ does its best to encapsulate that,
but it is not perfect. You right click on Ekiga's status icon, a menu
scrolls up (ugly, Win32 does not need the positioning function). If you
do not wish to select any of the menu items you click around and can not
make the menu disappear. The trick is to click on a menu item, leave the
button down and drag the cursor out of the menu (see also
Another point is that "gtk_window_has_toplevel_focus" seems unreliable
for Ekiga under Win32 so the stuff around line 273 in statusicon.cpp
does not work.

> However, I have a question. Do you think that version to be stable
> enough to be released as stable publicly on ?
> -- 
>  _     Damien Sandras
I would not call it stable but beta, something like skype 2.1 for Linux.
Win32 Ekiga has better audio but a few other glitches (see point 2
above), but it is perfectly usable. Whether to place it publicly on is more a strategic decision. We certainly need more testers.
But I might easily become overdemanded by to many complaints. Would it
be possible for one of the real Ekiga developers to borrow a Windows
computer test Win32 Ekiga and then tell wether it comes close to the
Linux Version. If yes, then place the Win32 port publicly.

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