On 30/09/09 17:25, Thierry Simonnet wrote:
If somebody is interested, I succeed to compile libbost under linux for
win 32 with mingw .

1/ download last version of libboost : boost_1_40_0.tar.gz
2/ uncompress
3/ generate bjam for local platform : sh bootstrap.sh
4/ create a config file for mingw :


touch user-config.jam


echo "using gcc : : i586-mingw32msvc-gcc : ; " > user-config.jam

5/ generate library (don't know which one I will use yet)

* .dll : ./bjam --user-config=user-config.jam --layout=system
variant=release threading=multi link=shared runtime-link=shared
toolset=gcc target-os=windows threadapi=win32 --without-math
--without-python --without-mpi --without-serialization
--without-test --without-thread --without-wave --without-date_time
--without-system --without-filesystem --without-graph
--without-iostreams --without-program_options --without-regex stage
* .a : ./bjam --user-config=user-config.jam --layout=system
variant=release threading=multi link=static runtime-link=static
toolset=gcc threadapi=win32 --without-math --without-python
--without-mpi --without-serialization --without-test
--without-thread --without-wave --without-date_time
--without-system --without-filesystem --without-graph
--without-iostreams --without-program_options --without-regex stage
* .lib : ./bjam --user-config=user-config.jam --layout=system
variant=release threading=multi link=static runtime-link=static
toolset=gcc target-os=windows threadapi=win32 --without-math
--without-python --without-mpi --without-serialization
--without-test --without-thread --without-wave --without-date_time
--without-system --without-filesystem --without-graph
--without-iostreams --without-program_options --without-regex stage

6/ execute i586-mingw32svc-ranlib on library

Thank you, I am working on windows port for master.

Ptlib/trunk is ok now. Next step opal/trunk :

[CC] src/codec/g711a1_plc.cxx
[AR] lib_mingw_x86/libopal_s.a
i586-mingw32msvc-ranlib /root/win32/opal/lib_mingw_x86/libopal_s.a
[LD] lib_mingw_x86/libopal.3.7-beta1.dll
undefined reference to
`OpalEchoCanceler::SetParameters(OpalEchoCanceler::Params const&)'
undefined reference to `OpalEchoCanceler::SetClockRate(int)'
undefined reference to `OpalEchoCanceler::OpalEchoCanceler()'
undefined reference to `OpalEchoCanceler::OpalEchoCanceler()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [/root/win32/opal/lib_mingw_x86/libopal.3.7-beta1.dll] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/win32/opal'
make: *** [/root/win32/lib/libopal_s.a] Error 2

There is no error now.

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