Le 29/09/2012 12:37, Genghis Khan a écrit :
The following writings are parts of a private corespondent between
myself and Mr. Julien Puydt.  Notes are additions and were not
originally written in the conversation. Julien Puydt, your replies have
been omitted.  Please post them again.

CPU consumption, while using video, is relatively too high,
therefore are you considering to separate tasks to separate processes
in a similar manner to what Mozilla Firefox has done with its plugin
system by using plugin-container?

My reply what that a container was useful for security or for easier threading. Now I can also add : for crash containment.

While I use GOOM with a prevalent audio/video player or with Ekiga
offline or activating the Screencast while Ekiga is offline (not in
call) then the CPU won't be as high as it is (60% or 70% I need to
check again) while Ekiga is connected to another peer.

NOTE: GStreamer Video test
       $ gst-launch videotestsrc ! ximagesink
       8% to 11% CPU when initial is 3% to 6%

Initial CPU usage is 6%

Turning on Ekiga and calling in LAN:
Moving Logo 70%
Goom effect 100%
Screencast  30% - 40% (freeze - invalid)
Video test  60%

NOTE: Invalid = this finding is invalid due to Screencast freeze bug.

My answer was that that might not be an indication of a problem with my gstreamer code, but with ekiga more generally, as the moving logo is already using way too much cpu.

So the subject of the thread should probably not put the guilt on gstreamer : there must be something in ekiga itself.

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