Le 09/01/14 06:49, Julien Puydt a écrit :
Le 08/01/2014 20:08, Damien Sandras a écrit :
The annoying thing is that we changed the way Accounts are stored and
there is currently no way to convert from the old format to the new one.
I talked to Julien about that, but I do not know if he intends doing
something for it or not. Julien, can you comment ?
Yes, we discussed it ; it's technically possible, but :

- it means adding back gmconf (the code, the configure lines, the
Makefile.am lines, the old schema...) ;

Yes, and no...

Actually, there is a gsettings-data-convert utility that reads a .convert file and move the old settings into GSettings. This .convert file is present in the Ekiga tree and installed at the right place so that all settings are magically converted when the user logs in.

The idea would be add the a method to Opal::Account able to read the old format from a converted GSettings key, and to save it into the new XML format in the new key.

Of course, that won't work with Windows.


- I fear starting to do a conversion for opal accounts will open the way
to do the same for addressbooks and the rest...

Did we change the address book format in the upcoming release ?


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