
I have recently become very frustrated trying to get Ekiga video
conferencing to work with family that only use windows.  I have tried to
use Ekiga (in linux) with Windows Messenger, X-ten and Ekiga for windows
- in all cases, I ran into problems or could get sound but no video.
What struck me was the lack of adequate documentation of exactly how to
get things working.  Perhaps I am looking in the wrong place, but it
seems that there is relatively little detailed documentation out there.

It seems to me that there needs to be an Ekiga Wiki where people can put
their experiences online.  A table that says what aspects of what
programs work with ekiga linked to instructions on how to setup both
sides of the connection would be very useful.  Another useful topic
would be instructions on how to test both ends of the line.  Some hints
of this are in the FAQ, but it wasn't sufficient for me.  

If there is anyway I can help setting something like this up, I would be
willing to try.  I have experience setting up MediaWiki, but wouldn't
consider myself an expert.


David M. Kaplan
Assistant Researcher
Institute of Marine Sciences
UCSC / Ocean Sciences
1156 High St.
SC, CA 95064

Phone: 831-459-4789
Fax: 831-459-4882

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