On 4/2/07, Joe Ardolino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yannick wrote:
>> Le samedi 31 mars 2007 à 18:55 +0200, Julien Puydt a écrit :
>>> Joe Ardolino a écrit :
 >>> I can't install Ekiga on a FC5 system using the downloaded RPMs
>>>> I keep getting a Dependency error message , missing a LIB (
>>>> libpt_linux_x86_r.so.1.10.0)
>>>> Can anyone give me a clue
>>> Install the libpt package first.
> > http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Linux_Users#Install_packages
> There is no libpt package in the FC5 download. there is
> pwlib-1.10.5-0.fc5.i86.rpm. When I attempt to install that package is
> when I get the dependency message.

You need EITHER libpt or pwlib as the link provided above suggests.
You don't need both.  Fedora Core 5 uses pwlib.

You should not be having any dependency problems if you use yum which
is a package installer and dependency solver, e.g.
"yum install ekiga"

How, _specifically_ are you trying to install ekiga?

You should have no problems with Ekiga on FC5 (I have one system with
it currently installed and functioning nicely).  You will need to make
sure that you have the updates repository enabled for yum.  The most
up-to-date version it contains is 2.0.1-5.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ush]# rpm -q ekiga

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