On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 16:12:33 -0400
Oliver Schinagl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, i was just wondering what the status is on converencing with ekiga
> these days.
> I know you can 'dial' into a preset server/channels, but does this
> work 'dumb user mode' too? I hate to bring up skype, but I'm
> thinking, right click user, invite to converence. A simple message
> could be sent to the user to join channel number XXX with pin YYY.

I don't think it's good do bind one specific provider into a generic
SIP application. The conference rooms are nothing Ekiga really is aware
of. They are provided by the SER on ekiga.net. If you use ekiga.net as
provider - you have them. If not, you don't. Nothing Ekiga can control.

Maybe something to solve with plugins...? Julien?

> Also does ekiga work with video conference aswell? E.g. have more
> then 2 users see eachother via webcams? As that would be a 'killer
> feature' for ekiga. I know you can't just host rooms for video
> aswell, as it al costs a lot of bandwidth, and I know ekiga can't
> build mini servers into their apps, like skype does, cause i belive
> it's an outrage that they do that.

You'd need a video conference service somewhere. Ekiga.net doesn't have
one, but since there are thousands of SIP providers, I bet there are
some with this feature.

Beside that, I wonder what the standards say about multiple video calls
related to each other - will wait for Damien :-)


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