On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 03:07:46PM +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El d?a Tuesday, March 18, 2008 a las 08:59:17AM -0400, Mikhail Teterin 
> escribi?:
> > On ???????? 18 ???????? 2008, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> > = 
> > http://groups.google.com/group/bsdmailinglist/browse_frm/thread/4cfaad37e0dded68/28227b15e1fada84
> > = 
> > = and it _could_ be that the patch was mailed to the maintainer of the
> > = Ekiga port in FreeBSD:
> > [...]
> > = [EMAIL PROTECTED], could you please comment on this? Thanks in
> > = advance;
> > 
> > Although I do maintain the Ekiga port, the patch mentioned at that link is 
> > for 
> > pwlib, which is maintained by Steve (CC-ed)... Steve?
> Sorry Mikhail, but your addr was mentioned in the above threat;
> All,
> How could I have access to the pwlib in CVS? I followed what the page 
> http://www.openh323.org/cvs.html says but get connection refused:

openh323.org has been a dead-ish site for years. pwlib and openh323 were
hosted at voxgratia for a while until the developers had a disagreement
and split the projects into h323plus and opal. pwlib has been renamed
ptlib in the new order. 

See: http://www.h323plus.org/ for the latest h323 code
http://www.opalvoip.org/ for the latest opal and pwlib/ptlib

Both run their CVS off sourceforge now I believe.

> And I'm confused; the FreeBSD ports speek about pwlib and fetches some
> tar file pwlib-v1_10_1-src-tar.gz , but the above www.openh323.org speeks 
> about
> 'ptlib_unix', what is the relation of this?

FreeBSD port is currently using pwlib version 1.12.0. I believe that will be
the last one actually called pwlib. It was the transition version its pwlib
in someplaces and ptlib in others. However the official cut is ptlib 2.0.

ptlib_unix is actually the unix based telephony library that comes in pwlib.
With the transition to just being ptlib a lot of the windowing libraries
got chopped out (they were never used anyway) which streamlined/focused the
codebase considerably.

Hope this helps the confusion a bit :)

>From sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=204472

You want ptlib-v1_12_0-src.tar.gz under the bottom section (Deimos - Stable 1)

Future versions of opal will use ptlib.

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