Le mercredi 19 mars 2008 à 10:52 +0100, Matthias Apitz a écrit :
> Hello,
> I've got finally my cam and it attaches fine on USB to the driver:
> Mar 19 10:31:28 rebelion kernel: pwc0: vendor 0x0471 product 0x0329, rev 
> 1.10/0.03, addr 2
> Mar 19 10:31:29 rebelion kernel: pwc0: Philips SPC900NC USB webcam
> Mar 19 10:31:29 rebelion kernel: pwc0: This camera is equipped with a Sony 
> CCD sensor + TDA8787 (32
> the user land application 'pwcview' works fine as well;
> Ekiga says on start:
> ...
> 2008/03/19 10:37:09.739   0:00.414      ekiga Detected the following video 
> input devices: No device found with plugin V4L
> when I use gconf-editor to set the video device for the application to
> /dev/video0, Ekiga detects this as:
> 2008/03/19 10:37:38.369   0:29.044      ekiga PVideoInputDevice_V4L:   
> GetFrameSizeLimits. 160x120 -- 640x480
> 2008/03/19 10:37:38.528   0:29.203      ekiga PVideoInputDevice_V4L:   
> GetFrameSizeLimits. 160x120 -- 640x480
> 2008/03/19 10:37:38.543   0:29.218      GMVideoGrabber:08580000 VideoGrabber  
> cannot do memory mapping - GMBUF failed.
> and all is working fine in a video conference; but when I restart ekiga
> it looses the device and I have to re-insert it with gconf-editor;
> any hints about this?

Probably a bug in the driver. Why doesn't it detect the device ?
It works fine on linux...
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone : http://www.ekiga.org/
v_/_   NOVACOM         : http://www.novacom.be/
       FOSDEM          : http://www.fosdem.org/
       SIP Phone       : sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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