On 08.22.2008 22:25, I wrote:

Maybe somebody reading this whole record can guess where is the initial mistake:

And this all my /usr/local after "make install":

[gerard 22:48:55 ~]$ tree -F /usr/local
|-- bin/
|   |-- btactiv.py -> /home/gerard/scripts/btactiv.py*
|   |-- bthifi.py -> /home/gerard/scripts/bthifi.py*
|   |-- btvoice.py -> /home/gerard/scripts/btvoice.py*
|   |-- encfs_askpass*
|   |-- encfs_create*
|   |-- encfs_create~*
|   |-- encfs_mount*
|   |-- encfs_umount*
|   |-- twinkle*
|   `-- youtube-dl*
|-- doc/
|-- etc/
|-- games/
|-- include/
|   |-- ptclib/
|   `-- ptlib/
|       `-- unix/
|           `-- ptlib/
|-- info/
|   `-- zlibc.info.bz2
|-- lib/
|   |-- libpt.so -> libpt_linux_x86_r.so
|   |-- libpt_linux_x86_r.so -> libpt_linux_x86_r.so.2.3-beta1
|   |-- libpt_linux_x86_r.so.2 -> libpt_linux_x86_r.so.2.3-beta1
|   |-- libpt_linux_x86_r.so.2.3 -> libpt_linux_x86_r.so.2.3-beta1
|   |-- libpt_linux_x86_r.so.2.3-beta1
|   |-- ptlib/
|   |   `-- devices/
|   |       |-- History.txt/
|   |       |-- Makefile/
|   |       |-- Makefile.in/
|   |       |-- README_VXWORKS.txt/
|   |       |-- ReadMe.txt/
|   |       |-- ReadMe_QOS.txt/
|   |       |-- a.out/
|   |       |-- config.guess/
|   |       |-- config.log/
|   |       |-- config.status/
|   |       |-- config.sub/
|   |       |-- configure/
|   |       |-- configure.ac/
|   |       |-- configure.exe/
|   |       |-- include/
|   |       |-- install-sh/
|   |       |-- lib/
|   |       |   `-- libpt_linux_x86_r.so
|   |       |-- make/
|   |       |-- mpl-1.0.htm/
|   |       |-- msvc6_upgrade.bat/
|   |       |-- plugins/
|   |       |-- ptlib.dsw/
|   |       |-- ptlib.dxy/
|   |       |-- ptlib.mak/
|   |       |-- ptlib.pc/
|   |       |-- ptlib.pc.in/
|   |       |-- ptlib.vcp/
|   |       |-- ptlib.wpj/
|   |       |-- ptlib.wsp/
|   |       |-- ptlib_2003.sln/
|   |       |-- ptlib_2005.sln/
|   |       |-- ptlib_2008.sln/
|   |       |-- ptlib_cfg.dxy/
|   |       |-- ptlib_cfg.dxy.in/
|   |       |-- ptlib_samples_2003.sln/
|   |       |-- ptlib_samples_2005.sln/
|   |       |-- ptlib_samples_2008.sln/
|   |       |-- ptlibce.vcp/
|   |       |-- ptlibce.vcw/
|   |       |-- samples/
|   |       |-- src/
|   |       |-- tools/
|   |       `-- version.h/
|   |-- uncompress-0.9k.so*
|   `-- uncompress.so*
|-- libexec/
|-- man/
|   |-- man3/
|   |   `-- zlibc.3.bz2
|   `-- man5/
|       `-- zlibc.conf.5.bz2
|-- sbin/
|-- share/
|   |-- ptlib/
|   |   `-- make/
|   `-- twinkle/
|       |-- lang/
|       |   |-- twinkle_cs.qm
|       |   |-- twinkle_de.qm
|       |   |-- twinkle_fr.qm
|       |   |-- twinkle_nl.qm
|       |   `-- twinkle_ru.qm
|       |-- providers.csv
|       |-- ringback.wav
|       |-- ringtone.wav
|       |-- twinkle16.png
|       |-- twinkle32.png
|       `-- twinkle48.png
`-- src/

67 directories, 32 files
[gerard 22:49:08 ~]$

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