On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Shawn Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to install ekiga 3.0 on an opensuse 10.2 system. Using the
> sources, i always run into the same issue - a list of dependancies.
> conpile libs - need x, need Y, you don't have Z...
> install X
> install Y
> --- you don't have A, B, and your C is out of date
> install A,B, update C
> install Y
> install Z
> - your D, E and F are out of date..
> etc...
> etc...
> and some days later I get to actually install the Ekiga.
> is this clearly documented anywhere that I could prepare all the pre-req
> packages, instead of the hours-long obstacle course I am currently
> running through ?

Just a general note here: that's what you'll be going through if you
are installing packages from source. Period. Sure maybe a nice
overview about all dependencies would make it a _tad_ faster for you,
but in the end you still have to go through the same process of
installing / updating everything.

Running a recent version of your distro (don't know how old exactly
10.2 is but I know there have been at least two releases after that),
and preferably using the packaged versions of course alleviates all
these issues - that is the point of having a distribution. Sure, ekiga
3.0 is probably not packaged for many distros yet, hopefully it won't
take them too long to catch up.

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