I am trying to build a version of Ekiga 3.0.1 with H.26x plugins
through the use of ffmpeg/libavcodec.

I have built a fresh checkout of ffmpeg/x264 trunks, and compiled
opal-3.4.2 against it. 
The issue is when I Ekiga is start with any ffmpeg-based video plugin
enabled it just crashes after loading libavcodec.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/opal-3.4.2/lib ekiga -d 5
  dyna.cxx(111) H263+   DYNA    Successfully loaded 'libavcodec.so.52'
gnome bug buddy comes up with the following stack trace:

#5  <signal handler called>
#6  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
#7  0x00007faac9ca8269 in FFMPEGLibrary::Load ()
from /usr/lib64/opal-3.4.2/codecs/video/h263-1998_video_pwplugin.so
#8  0x00007faac9ca2f62 in OpalCodecPlugin_GetCodecs ()
from /usr/lib64/opal-3.4.2/codecs/video/h263-1998_video_pwplugin.so

I could track down the issue to the first time  Favcodec_version() is
called in dyna.cxx:FFMPEGLibrary::Load()

I have already made sure the right libavcodec/libavutil are loaded via
strace. I have tried with multiple versions of ffmpeg and the older
opal-3.4.1 with no success so far.

Platform is opensuse 11.0

Anything else I can try? Thanks.


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