On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Sergei Steshenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> > Sergei , the point here is not about Ekiga testing but
> > about the Web
> > interface account creation & platform testing. If the
> > 300 K users could
> > tests this new platform it would be enough.
> Thanks, the point taken.
> I've just tried to log in to ekiga.net - seems OK. I haven't tried to
> change anything - have no reason to.
> Still, my request regarding statically linked ekiga binary still stands.

Seirgei the point is to test the NEW platform. Did you read the first mail
of this thread from yannick  ?


We are currently in the process to switch the softwares used for the
ekiga.net service. Before the real switch, we need some people to test

To use the improved service, you just need to configure ekiga 3.0 to use
an inbound proxy (in Edit -> Preferences -> SIP Settings -> Outbound
Proxy): set it as "ekiga.net:6060". The rest is just similar to the
current use of ekiga.net

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