Hi List

With kernel 2.6.27 the spca driver for a lot of webcams, including the
one I have got, was moved into the kernel. At the same time quite a
few video formats were taken out of the driver and moved to a
user-land library - v4l1compat.so.

This means that in order for me to get video on ekiga, skype and other
applications I have to do something like this:

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so ekiga

My question now is: Is this also required with Ekiga V3? I ask because
my distribution (Gentoo) still is at version 2.0.12. I prefer to use
whatever my distribution provides. I could - and I have done this
before - build Ekiga from sources but is it worth the trouble (conf.
all the posts about build problems ;-)) and will it solve my dilemma?

Kind regards,

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