Jim Diamond wrote:

I have recently tried
        ekiga 3.0.1 + opal 3.4.3 + ptlib 2.4.3
        ekiga 3.0.2 + opal 3.4.4 + ptlib 2.4.4
        ekiga 3.1.0 + opal 3.6.0 + ptlib 2.6.0
under Slackware 12.2 (various computers, various kernels).

3.1.0 doesn't let me use my Logitech QuickCam Pro for Notebooks
(uvcvideo, needs V4L2 to work at all on my systems), so I gave up on

If I understand correctly, this webcam does not work on 3.1.0, but works on previous releases?

Also, do you mean 3.1.1 (SVN trunk) or 3.1.0?

The other two versions seem to behave similarly with respect to these

(1) The call recipient sees only his own video, the video of the caller
    is never visible.

(2) If the caller is viewing his own video before making a call, when
    the call is established, he (apparently) alternately sees his own
    video frames and frames of the call recipient.  In other words,
    the video picture is pretty much useless.
    If the two video resolutions are not the same, the (whole) window
    changes size with (apparently) each frame change, which adds to
    the annoyance.

    If the caller was not looking at his own video, he sees the call
    recipient's video fine.

Could you check if you are hit by http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Troubleshooting#I_hear_the_ring.2C_but_the_communication_is_not_established ?

This is pretty much a show stopper, so the fact that many people are
happily using ekiga suggest to me that it must be "me", but I have no
idea what I'm doing wrong.  Older versions of ekiga worked fine for me
on older versions of Slackware.

There are many, many different issues which might appear...

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