H.S. wrote:
Mateusz Kaduk wrote:
That makes no sens. Here on Debian everything works just fine.

What You need to do is provide sufficient information. My suggestion is
apt-get install ekiga-dbg libpt2.6.3-dbg libopal3.6.1-dbg

Then compile and install sysprof from
git clone git://git.gnome.org/sysprof

I tried giving it a shot. Its INSTALL file says to run 'configure'
script, but none exists. An 'autogen.sh' exists, but the INSTALL file
doesn't say what to do with it.

Ran autoconf.sh but it exits with the message
checking for CORE_DEP... no
configure: error: sysprof dependencies not satisfied

Not sure what CORE_DEP is and it also doesn't tell me what is lacking
(it appears).

As shown, the culprit seems to be sysprof dependencies, but I do not understand... I do not have "checking for CORE_DEP" in my builds.

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