Jim Diamond wrote:
On Tue, Jul  7, 2009 at 05:53 (-0400), Volker Bradley wrote:

Installed it easily in Kubuntu Jaunty:
wget ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/ekiga/3.2/ekiga-3.2.5.tar.bz2
wget ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/opal/3.6/opal-3.6.4.tar.bz2
wget ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/ptlib/2.6/ptlib-2.6.4.tar.bz2
sudo dpkg -r libopal3.6.1-dev libopal3.6.1
sudo dpkg -r libpt2.6.1-dev libpt2.6.1 libpt2.6.1-plugins-v4l2
sudo dpkg -r ekiga
tar jxvf ptlib-2.6.4.tar.bz2
cd ptlib-2.6.4
sudo checkinstall
cd ..
tar jxvf opal-3.6.4.tar.bz2
cd opal-3.6.4
sudo checkinstall
cd ..
sudo apt-get install intltool libgtk2.0-dev libgconf2-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev
libgconf2-dev libebook1.2-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libxv-dev
libdbus-glib-1-dev -y
tar jxvf ekiga-3.2.5.tar.bz2
cd ekiga-3.2.5
sudo checkinstall
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libpt.so.2.6.4 /usr/lib
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libopal.so.3.6.4 /usr/lib
Installed in minutes.


thanks for the instructions.

Volker et al...

I tried compiling this on Knoppix 6.0.1

In the end I could not convince Knoppix, apt-get and ekiga's configure
script to see eye-to-eye regarding dbus, and had to configure it with

The main error is here.  What is the error with dbus enabled?

After that it compiled smoothly enough; the entire configure line was
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --sysconfdir=/etc 
--localstatedir=/var --mandir=/usr/man --disable-dbus --disable-gnome 
--disable-gconf --disable-avahi --disable-gdu --disable-eds --disable-xcap 
--disable-kde --disable-kab --disable-gstreamer --disable-static 

Problem 1
Unfortunately, it is unable to see any audio or video devices this
way.  Does it use dbus to figure out the a/v devices, or do the
assembled masses think my problem is unrelated to that?

I think dbus is mandatory for device discovery.  Could someone confirm?

I also compiled it on Slackware 12.2 (an infinitely simpler process
than for Knoppix, as it turns out, using slight mods of the SlackBuild
scripts on www.slackbuild.org).

Problem 2
On Slackware ekiga refuses to see my ov511 web cam, although it is
happy with my Logitech web cam (a pwc-based web cam).  Has ekiga given
up on older web cams?  This web cam works happily with other video
applications on that system.

Have you libv4l library installed?  If yes, please send the -d 4 output...

Problem 3
Ignoring problems 1 and 2, with the Logitech web cam on the Slackware
system, I connected from the Slackware system to the Knoppix system with
Although the call goes through, the video does not show up on the
Knoppix system.  Instead, the gui on the Slackware system goes
berserk, quickly switching between the small moving logo and the
larger (320x240) image from my web cam.  Since they are different
sizes, the window keeps changing size.

If I connect with sip:u...@ the Knoppix end sees a small
version of my video, rather than the 320x240.

In both cases it is using Speex and H261.  The Slackware version was
compiled with other codecs, the Knoppix version only has that video codec.

If I connect from Knoppix to Slackware, with sip it works the same as above.
With h323, there is no flashing as above, but the (small version) of
the video is shown at both ends.

Can anyone suggest any solutions to these problems?

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