yannick a écrit :
> Terry D. Cudney a écrit :
>> Hi listers,
>>    I had my asterisk server registering with ekiga.net for a long time, but 
>> now it fails with the following message:
>> [Aug  3 20:18:52] NOTICE[20176]: chan_sip.c:7517 sip_reg_timeout:    -- 
>> Registration for '8...@ekiga.net' timed out, trying again (Attempt #6)
>>     -- Got SIP response 606 "Not Acceptable" back from
>> [Aug  3 20:19:12] NOTICE[20176]: chan_sip.c:7517 sip_reg_timeout:    -- 
>> Registration for '8...@ekiga.net' timed out, trying again (Attempt #7)
>>     -- Got SIP response 606 "Not Acceptable" back from
>>     Can anyone point me to the meaning of the error:
>> SIP response 606 "Not Acceptable"
>>     What changed on ekiga.net? My sip.conf for ekiga.net has not changed 
>> since it was registering fine.
> AFAIK, nothing has changed on ekiga.net. This error, most probably,
> means you try to register using a private IP address.

Or wrong password...

>>     Thanks,
>>     --terry
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