Andreas Freiherr a écrit :
> Bent,
> my DSL provider may interrupt the connection once per day, in the early 
> morning hours. At that time, I expect my public IP address to change (the WAN 
> interface of my router does use DHCP), but not normally during the rest of 
> the day. Also. while the Ekiga calls dropped, I usually had a chat session 
> open, including webcam, and there was no problem with these data streams. And 
> no, I don't think bandwidth is an issue here, because the voice connection 
> was quite usable while it lasted. No dropouts, better quality than 
> international phone calls through cheap call-by-call providers.
> Even if my address would change, Ekiga should find out (using STUN) at least 
> after I restart the program, right? - But restarting Ekiga did not allow me 
> to register again.
> Andreas

This seems quite unusual behaviour.

We need a debug output including this bad behaviour to understand what
is going on here:

Best regards,
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