Hi all!

I convinced my son to download ekiga for win$ows a few weeks ago and
have never since been able to talk/see him using ekiga (no problem with
skype). Last night I could see he was online, send him messages and receive
his replays but could not ear or see him, neither could he.

Of course my web cam was all right (I could see myself) and my audio
devices were correctly detected by ekiga. Looking at the View sub-panel
I noticed that 'local video' appeared in bold characters while 'remote
video' was (as always) grayed out.

Tests with 'echo test' failed as well so I suspect there might have been
bigger problems around. However, the 'remote video' has always been
grayed out in my View panel...

What am I setting wrong? 
Thanks for your attention.

[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.          \\?//
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say)]  (°|°)
Regards, Ennio.                                                     )=(
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