On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 1:01 PM, geo cherchetout
<geo.cherchet...@laposte.net> wrote:
> Le 28.10.2009 20:05, *yannick* a écrit fort à propos :
>> Hi,
>> We decided to improve our Website for Ekiga. It was hard to
>> manage/update for the Ekiga team and it was not as clear as our visitors
>> expected it.
>> We now reached the point were our new website can be more widely tested.
>> For the visitor, we focused on improving the download experience,
>> explain what Ekiga is more friendly for non-technophiles and added a
>> Roadmap for those asking about the future of Ekiga.
> Hello Yannick,
> On the main page, in the window "Get Ekiga!" the link "Download Ekiga" is
> broken: http://ekiga.net/yannick/drupal-6.14/downloads

New site looks clean and to the point - Just thinking that after the
first or second latest release summary* it becomes less useful and you
loose the sense that there is additional info at the bottom. I would
rather see a listing of Ekiga's presence in various distros on the
front page - rather than bottom of the roadmap page, also links to the
debian/ubuntu/fedora etc repos. this would tell me that Ekiga was
broadly available in my favorite ditros and it would also be nice if
it lists the version in each repo. Even if it was just green light for
current release, amber for stale release and red for not in repo.
Snapshots are info for the developer community - which should have a
separate "home" page - as part of Community maybe?

 I would also like to see, on the Ekiga.org page, a graph (RRDTool)
and even RSS feed on the status of Ekiga.net - this should be the
"designated offsite" goto notice location to get info on Ekiga.net
when there may be problems. A graph of utilization would also go a
long way in getting some well deserved credit for Ekiga.net.

* a listing of latest minor revision changes followed by a major
revision summary works best IMHO - you could even add a "coming
milestones" section - more of a coming features set than the developer
focus that the raodmap page seams to have.

minor revisions changes summary (3.2.6 specifics & diff back to 3.0)
major revision achievement summary (3.0)
next major revision objectives (4.0)
distro status listing & links
ekiga.net graph & RSS
ekiga.net news

much thx for Ekiga - great stuff! download page made me laugh - Ponies!
ekiga-list mailing list

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