On 28/12/2009 19:38:24, Palo S. wrote:
> ...I used gconf-editor GUI to do that. It is the
> apps->ekiga->general->nat->stun_serevr option.

and replace stun.ekiga.net with what?

I ask this because I have only 1 (one) free ekiga.net account.
BTW, in my case the log says:
  20:37:01 Set STUN server to stun.ekiga.net (Blocked)
  20:37:02 Registration failed: Registration failed
In the last few days I had no problems - but now I have this 'failed 
registration' status for the whole day (Monday)!

The strange part, at least for me as a 'network novice', is the ping 
$ ping stun.ekiga.net
  PING stun.counterpath.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
  64 bytes from ec2-75-101-138-128.compute-1.amazonaws.com
  ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=259 ms


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