On 03/01/11 12:54, pal...@inwind.it wrote:
During Christmas vacations, I had an opportunity to put my hands on two Windows 
machines and tried to
run Ekiga 3.2.7 on both of them.

The first machine is an aging laptop running Windows XP.
Everything went fine and I could place and receive calls in a few minutes.
The only problem was a somewhat broken audio, this was probably due to 
insufficient bandwidth
for video as the problem disappeared when I disabled all the video codecs.
I think it would help inexperienced users if Ekiga were equipped with a 
Video/No Video switch
and it were started ind the No Video mode by default.

Ekiga cannot guess the user bandwidth (well, it could, but it is not simple), hence the assistant proposes the Internet connection type, at page 5. If the user does not have sufficient bandwidth, he must choose IDSN, which allocates 32 kb/s for video. Is that right? See http://git.gnome.org/browse/ekiga/tree/src/gui/assistant.cpp?h=gnome-2-26#n900 .

The second machine is a brand new laptop running Windows 7.
Installation was without problems as was registration to ekiga.net, but we had 
no audio.
We had no time to run ekiga -d 4 and were unable to diagnose the problem from 
inside Ekiga.
I think it would help inexperienced users if Ekiga could provide some testing 
of the audio devices
and help the user to identify the problem.

This is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340582 Who/when can implement it...?

I am stressing the need to ease the installation for inexperienced Windows 
users since I think it is the only
way to increase the number of users.

You are right, Antonio! Several fixes have been done (e.g. http://git.gnome.org/browse/ekiga/commit/?h=gnome-2-26&id=f1d73cbbe, http://git.gnome.org/browse/ekiga/commit/?h=gnome-2-26&id=e2fc788d1 and http://git.gnome.org/browse/ekiga/commit/?h=gnome-2-26&id=ca91b92fe6), more are needed, and the time is limited :o(

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