On 22/03/13 09:50, Pau wrote:

I would like to know how to add Xmeeting users on OSX and with an
h.323 account (spranto.net) to the ekiga address book.

More concretely, I would like to know how to call them/chat with them.

According to the wikipedia, Xmeeting is compatible with ekiga.

When I edit the roster element, I add

Name: John Doe
Address: h323:john...@spranto.net

The user seems to be added, but I cannot call it and the "message"
entry from the right-menu is not available.

I can call that user (dbl click or right-click) but "User not found", which means that user does not exist. Does it exist?

According to manual http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Manual#Sending_instant_messages_.28chatting.29: "You can also exchange text messages with H.323 Ekiga users, but only while being in a call. To do this, simply click on the new tab icon, and a new tab will automatically be created allowing a conversation with the user you are on a call with." Does it work for you?

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