On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 16:31 (+0200), Eugen Dedu wrote:

> On 16/05/13 16:03, Jim Diamond wrote:
>>As an(other?) example, I am having no luck when behind a NAT router.
>>I see no gui option to set up STUN.  I search the web a bit and find
>>out I need to use gconf-editor.  Too bad that it doesn't exist on

> You can use gconftool to modify the stun server.  You can even modify
> the file itself, in ~/.gconf directory.


thanks.  I have no problem editing files by hand, but...
you say "the file".  But there are currently 22 files under there.  It
is not completely obvious
- what file needs editing;
- what directory that file should be in; and
- what syntax is required.
(None of the files I currently have contain the string "stun", so I am
starting from square 1.  No doubt if I read enough docs or search the
web, I will find it (... yep, "apps/general/nat" is the file), but I
can't help but think that one or two "custom" config files would be
just as easy as using gconf, and thus removing a dependency from what
could be ("should be" in my humble opinion) desktop-neutral program.)

Having said that, I appreciate the tremendous amount of work that you
and others have done on this program, and I respect the fact that the
people who do the work get to make the choices that suit them best.

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