On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 17:09:12 +0300
Jānis Rukšāns <thedogfar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Saul A. Peebsen <jaglo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm having trouble with ghost calls. While waiting for next version
> > of Ekiga which will have blacklist option I was wondering if I could
> > install a SIP proxy in my router to block unwanted calls. My router
> > is running FreeBSD, I see there is SER in ports. Will SER do what I
> > want?  
> It is certainly possible to configure SER (or one of its clones,
> personally I'm using OpenSIPS) to filter out unwanted calls. However,
> keep in mind that SER isn't the most user friendly software around,
> and, unless there is some GUI I am not aware of, the learning curve is
> quite steep even if you are a programmer. It is a "carrier-grade" SIP
> router software after all.

OK, I guess it is not worth the effort then. I'm not a GUI person, but
I'm not someone who thinks ed is the greatest editor. 
> Depending on what are the conditions for blocking the calls, what you
> want might be easier to achieve with the built-in functionality of
> your router.

There is no built-in functionality in my router, it is running FreeBSD
installed and configured from scratch.

Cheers, Saul
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