Hi Bret,

thanks for your reply. Of course I am already a Skype user. But I am
specifically interested in finding some open source software that can
connect to existing H.323 teleconferencing equipment.

Occasionally someone requires this. For example, this week I must
participate remotely in a Ph.D. defense in France and the use of Skype
has been specifically forbidden. (Maybe for ideological reasons, as
you say, or more likely, because it is unreliable enough that people
usually spend most of their time worrying about resuming dropped
calls, rather than getting on with the meeting).  In that situation, I
usually have to use some proprietary Cisco client, but if a Linux
solution exists, that would be great.

There seem to exist some H.323 libraries, such as H323Plus, but I
cannot find any working software that actually uses those libraries.

It is not a problem for me to use software that is no longer being
actively developed. If it worked in 2012, it must in principle still
work now. So if there is some way to get Ekiga, or something similar,
to work, I would not mind using it.

Thanks, -- Peter

Bret Busby via ekiga-list wrote:
> On 17/09/2019, selin...@mathstat.dal.ca <selin...@mathstat.dal.ca> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > this is a newbie question. I am trying to install Ekiga on an Ubuntu
> > 19.04 system. I ran into several problems:
> >
> > * there doesn't seem to be an ekiga package in Ubuntu 19.04. At any
> >   rate, "apt install ekiga" said there was no such package.
> >
> > * I downloaded the sources. "configure" complained about a missing
> >   Boost library, so I installed it with "apt install libboost-dev".
> >   Now I get the following:
> >
> > checking for boostlib >= 1.34... yes
> > checking whether the Boost::Signals library is available... yes
> > configure: error: Could not find a version of the library!
> >
> >   Since the previous two answers were "yes", I am not sure what is
> >   missing on the last line, nor how to install it. I'm not sure what
> >   "the library" is, if it is not "boostlib >= 1.34" or
> >   "Boost::Signals".
> >
> > Do you have some up-to-date installation instructions? I did check
> > the wiki at
> > "http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Installing_Ekiga_on_Linux";, but it
> > hasn't been updated since 2013 (the Ubuntu instructions date to 2011).
> >
> > Or if this project is dead, is there a replacement that you can
> > recommend?
> >
> > Thanks, -- Peter
> >
> Hello.
> I believe that you are better not trying to install Ekiga, especcially
> as a new user.
> No new development is being done, and, Ekiga is no longer fully
> supported, insofar as I am aware.
> Whilst some people have an ideological objection to it, because it is
> now owned and operated by Microsoft, and, also, its functionality has
> been progressively reduced, over the years, since Microsoft took it
> over, I recommend trying Skype, which is available for Ubuntu Linux,
> of which, I currently run UbuntuMATE 16.04 (as my preferred OS) and
> 18.04; both are LTS versions.
> -- 
> Bret Busby
> Armadale
> West Australia
> ..............
> "So once you do know what the question actually is,
>  you'll know what the answer means."
> - Deep Thought,
>  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
>  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
>  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
>  written by Douglas Adams,
>  published by Pan Books, 1992
> ....................................................
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