Udah menjabat ini-itu, tetap nga bisa apa-apa...
Udah kuliah sampe S3, tetap nga bisa apa-apa...
Sepertinya rakyat kebanyakan memang disiapkan hanya untuk jadi buruh

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: hypertokyo <hyperto...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:45 AM
Subject: [ekonomi-nasional] Sistem Konsesi merambah ke Laut Indonesia
To: ekonomi-nasional@yahoogroups.com

Ada satu berita yang sangat mengkhawatirkan. Sebentar lagi pengelolaan
sumber daya kelautan akan dilakukan dengan sistem konsesi seperti halnya
migas dan hutan!!!

Indonesia Adopting Marine Concession Area System for Fisheries The Jakarta
Post [web site]
September 2, 2009

Govt to adopt marine concession area system for fisheries

The Maritime and Fishery Affairs Ministry will go ahead with
plans to introduce cluster-like territorial water areas for
fisheries where concession rights will be allocated to firms by
tenders, arguing that this will not be detrimental to
small-scale fishermen.

The ministry fs head of central data, statistics and information,
Soenan H. Poernomo, told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday that the
planned cluster division system would in fact facilitate healthy
competition among fishermen and fishing companies.

gThe cluster divisions are basically also intended to help
preserve natural resources in water territories, h he said,
adding that the planned cluster divisions were based on the
Ministerial Regulation No. 5/2008 and may take effect as early
as next year.

He said the system, similar to that of Forestry Ministry
concessions for rights where holders can exploit a certain area
of forest for a certain period of time, would be based on the
concept of environmental sustainability.

gThis will let big-scale and small-scale fishermen exploit water
resources to a certain extent only, which will be decided after
the research is completed, h he said, adding that the first
results of the related research would be published by the end of
this year.

The research will also determine details on the sizes of the
clusters, the maximum period of the fishing rights in each
cluster, detailed mechanisms for the tenders, arrangements
between central and local administrations, monitoring systems,
and related issues.

The Indonesian Fishery Industry Association (Gappindo) however
has already voiced its objections on concerns that the proposed
system would pave the way for big industry players to dominate
the country fs proposed territorial water divisions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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