Teman-teman Yth.


Berikut kami sebarkan Peoples Protocol on Climate Change yang pertama kali
dideklarasikan di Sumber Klampok, Bali Barat, tanggal 8 Desember 2007, dan
sudah melalui proses diskusi tingkat masyarakat (petani, nelayan, masyarakat
adat, kelompok perempuan) di Asia, Afrika, Amerika Latin dan Eropa. Protokol
Rakyat ini akan disahkan dalam People's Assembly di Copenhagen tanggal 9
Desember. Berbagai Negara akan menyelenggarakan People's Assembly secara
parallel pada tanggal yang sama. 


Di Indonesia, People's Assembly untuk mensahkan Peoples Protocol on Climate
Change ini rencananya akan diadakan di Jawa Timur (Jember atau Banyuwangi).


Jika ada yang mau mengendorse Protokol Rakyat ini, silahkan tandatangan
secara online di www.peoplesclimatemovement.net
<http://www.peoplesclimatemovement.net/> . 




Don K. Marut


Executive Director

International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)

Jl. Mampang Prapatan XI No. 23

Jakarta 12790

Tel: (62-21) 79196721 - 22

Fax: (62-21) 7941577

Email:  <mailto:d...@infid.org> d...@infid.org;  <mailto:in...@infid.org>

Website: www.infid.org 


From: Maria Theresa Nera-Lauron [mailto:secretar...@aprnet.org] 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 1:56 PM
To: peoplesclimatemovem...@peoplesclimatemovement.net
Subject: [peoplesclimatemovement] Call for endorsements - Peoples Protocol
on Climate Change


 * apologies for cross posting *

 Dear friends in the climate justice movement,

 Thank you to everyone who supported and endorsed the draft Peoples Protocol
on Climate Change. We are happy to inform you that we have now reached a
final version that is the result of a 2-year global process of
awareness-raising and movement-building among affected communities and
peoples in the South and in the North. 

The Peoples Protocol on Climate Change affirms the need for a movement for
climate justice that calls for real solutions to the climate crisis - the
reversal of neoliberal globalization, and the restoration of peoples'
sovereignty over resources, economies and institutions. And as with other
injustices, the climate crisis and its roots can only be dealt with through
political struggles by the people.

We would like to call your endorsements once again if you have not had a
chance to do so yet.  Please find attached the full version of the Peoples
Protocol on Climate Change as well as a summary document. The statement will
be submitted to the COP 15 of the UNFCCC in December 2009. You may use the
online sign-on at  <http://www.peoplesclimatemovement.net/>
www.peoplesclimatemovement.net OR you may send your name or the name of your
organization to endorse the statement to the PMCC secretariat <email:
<mailto:secretar...@aprnet.org> secretar...@aprnet.org> by November 30,
2009. Kindly help disseminate to your networks.

Thank you very much and looking forward to your support!



Tetet Nera-Lauron

Peoples' Movement on Climate Change


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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