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United Nations Proposes New "Global Currency"

  UN wants new global currency to replace dollar


The G20 moves the world a step closer to a global currency



September 9, 2009 3:46 PM

United Nations Proposes New "Global Currency"

Posted by Declan


The United Nations would like the dollar, euro, yen, and other national
currencies to be succeeded by a new "global currency."

That recommendation appears in a U.N. report released this week, which
suggests the dollar's outsize role in international finance has ended -- and
says that it's time to invent a successor currency that would be managed by
a "Global Reserve Bank."

Countries could "agree to exchange their own currencies for the new
currency, so that the global currency would be backed by a basket of
currencies of all the members," says the 218-page
the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development.

Keep in mind that this is a U.N. report written by bureaucrats without any
actual legal ability to create the global equivalent of the Federal Reserve.
Anyone who remembers how a U.N. agency once called for a global e-mail
tax<http://www.wired.com/politics/law/news/1999/07/20784>of one cent
per 100 e-mail messages -- but didn't exactly get it -- can
attest to that.

The U.N. report grew out of the financial problems that swept the world in
the last year or two, which it diagnoses as arising from too much
speculation in commodity markets, a bubble in stock markets and housing
markets, and trade imbalances between countries like China and the United
States. Its prescription? "More stringent financial regulation" and
"diversification away from dollars" as part of a new system of constant
exchange rates. (Supachai Panitchpakdi, UNCTAD's secretary-general, also
wants "vigorous" global actions, including "managing" energy prices through
taxes, to dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions.)

The diversification-away-from-dollars idea is a close cousin to what the
Chinese government has been saying
China, of course, can now claim the dubious
honor<http://www.treas.gov/tic/mfh.txt>of being the largest foreign
holder of U.S. Treasurys worth a total of
$776.4 billion as of June 2009. According to a U.S. government report from
2007 <http://www.treas.gov/tic/shl2007r.pdf>, China was the top foreign
owner of Freddie and Fannie bonds too.

One aspect of the U.N. report that stands out is that, in all of its 218
pages of analysis and charts, it doesn't seriously contemplate a new
currency that's based on something other than paper money, which can be
devalued as fast as governments can run their printing
zeros to their 
The two classic options are gold and silver -- which are resistant to
governmental inflationary urges -- though I prefer economist David
Friedman's suggestion <http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa017.html> of a bundle
of commodities. Then again, returning to money that's backed by something
tangible may not require the ongoing services of an entire U.N. bureaucracy.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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