Hope it useful to reflect our life...
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Marks Motivation Mail" <motivat...@chattertonworld.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 06:08:11 
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;><Invalid address>
Subject: It's Not the Circumstances

It's Not the Circumstances, It's Us
By Mike Robbins
I recently read a great quote from Ben Franklin that I hadn't seen before. He 
said, "Joy doesn't exist in the world, it exists in us." While the quote was 
new to me, the concept wasn't. However, as I began to think it more, I realized 
that even though I "understand" this wisdom and do my best to live by it and 
remind others of it, more often than I'd like to admit, I find myself living as 
though I'm simply a victim of the "things" that go on around me and in the 
world -- especially the stuff I don't particularly like, agree with, 
understand, feel like I'm on top of, or enjoy.

The circumstances of our lives, especially when they seem stressful or intense 
(as is the case for many people I know and work with these days) do have an 
impact on us, for sure. However, all too often we give away our power to these 
circumstances and situations. We act as though it's a foregone conclusion that 
we will feel a certain way based on specific circumstances (i.e. the economy, 
the weather, our health, our level of activity, the state of our romantic 
relationship or lack thereof, the behavior of our children, our families, the 
state of our career or business, our environment at work, and more).

Our experience of life (grateful, worried, peaceful, angry, excited, sad, 
alive, depressed, joyous, or anything else) is much more of a reflection of us 
and what's going on within us, not a reaction to what's going on around us. 
We've all had many examples of times in our lives when things were going 
"great" on the surface or we accomplished or experienced some "wonderful" 
external success, only to feel a sense of disappointment or sadness underneath 
because whatever it was didn't satisfy us at a deep level. And, on the flip 
side, most of us have had moments of incredible joy, excitement, and bliss that 
weren't directly connected to anything "worthy" of these feelings externally.

Even though we know this dynamic to be true, we still seem to get caught in the 
hypnotic, erroneous notion that if we just got rid of some issues, altered some 
circumstances, manifested some increased success, or changed some specific 
situations in our lives -- then, we'd be happy, peaceful, and relaxed (or 
whatever it is we say we want to experience).

Author and teacher, Byron Katie, says, "The definition of insanity is thinking 
that you need something you don't have. The mere fact that you exist right now 
without that which you think you need is proof that you don't need it."

What if we lived our lives with a deeper and more conscious awareness of the 
fact that we get to create our experience of life at any moment? Imagine what 
our lives, our careers, and our relationships would look like if we stopped 
blaming our experience on other people or on external circumstances. We would 
free up so much positive energy and take back so much of our personal power.

Here are a few things you can do to enhance your capacity to own your 
experience of life in an empowering way:

1) Admit where you play victim and give away your power. As is always the case, 
"the truth will set you free." Take a look into your life, especially in the 
areas where you find the most pain, suffering, and struggle right now. Without 
judging yourself, can you find places where you're acting like a victim of your 
current circumstances (as though it is simply "happening to you")? The more 
honest and specific you can be about this, the more freedom it will provide for 

2) Acknowledge, own, and express your underlying emotions. Whenever we go into 
victimhood there is something we don't want to deal with, take responsibility 
for, experience, or express emotionally. Even thought it can be a little 
painful and scary initially, by dealing directly with the emotions we're 
avoiding, we go to the source of the issue and address it at the root. 
Ironically, once we're able to acknowledge, own, and express the emotion(s) 
involved, much of the suffering and struggling go away -- if we're willing to 
really take responsibility for and express what we're truly feeling.

3) Make a commitment to fully own your experience. Declare to yourself and 
those close to you that you're willing to take 100% responsibility for your 
experience of life. This doesn't mean that "stuff" won't happen, but it does 
mean that you make a commitment to live your life by design, not default. It's 
also likely that you'll forget, slip up, and fall back into victimhood from 
time to time (or often). However, making a commitment to yourself and to others 
-- and also asking them to hold you accountable with honesty and kindness -- 
can create an environment (within you and around you) conducive for you to 
enhance your capacity to live your life with power and responsibility.

Give yourself some space and have a lot of compassion with yourself and others 
on this; most of us have been trained, educated, and encouraged to live in 
"victim consciousness" -- even though it doesn't work or give us what we want 
ultimately. When we're willing to tell the truth, express our real emotions, 
and make a commitment to live as designers of our experience -- we can 
literally transform our lives in miraculous ways.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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