Hi to all

I have the following problem with sqlserver authentication.

I am using ElasticSearch with SQLServer using the mixed authentication; I 
define my indexing on the river plugin as something like:
>> curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/_river/itra_jdbc_river/_meta"; -d'
  "type": "jdbc",
  "jdbc": {
    "driver": "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver",
    "user": "INTRANET\\MY_USER",
    "password": "MY_PWD",
    "sql": "SELECT * FROM A_TABLE",
    "versioning": false
  "index": {
    "index": "test",
    "type": "values"

and I started ES with -Djava.library.path="mssql\auth\x64" option, where 
"mssql" folder is under the jdbc-river plugin folder.

However, I still obtain the "no sqljdbc_auth in java.ibrary.path" error, so 
the dll seems to be not correctly referenced. I also notice that the jar 
for sqlserver must be instead on the jdbc-river folder itself.

Any suggestions?

thanks in advance,

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