Our data is stored in MongoDB 2.4.8, and indexed to ElasticSearch 0.90.7 
using the ElasticSearch MongoDB River.

Our data indexes correctly, and I can successfully search the fields we 
want to search. But I also need to filter on permission - of course we only 
want to return results the calling user can actually read.

I have the calling user's authorizations as an array, for example:

[ "Role:REGISTERED_USER", "Account:52c74b25da06f102c90d52f4", "Role:USER", 
"Group:52cb057cda06ca463e78f0d7" ]

An example of the unit data we're searching follows:

    "_id" : ObjectId("52dffbd6da06422559386f7d"),
    "content" : "various stuff",
    "ownerId" : ObjectId("52d96bfada0695fcbdb41daf"),
    "acls" : [ 
            "accessMap" : {},
            "sourceClass" : "com.bulb.learn.domain.units.PublishedPageUnit",
            "sourceId" : ObjectId("52dffbd6da06422559386f7d")
            "accessMap" : {
                "Role:USER" : {
                    "allow" : [ 
                "Account:52d96bfada0695fcbdb41daf" : {
                    "allow" : [ 
            "sourceClass" : "com.bulb.learn.domain.units.CompositeUnit",
            "sourceId" : ObjectId("52dffb54da06422559386f57")

In the sample data above, I have replaced all the searchable content with
 "content" : "various stuff"

The authorization data is in the "acls" array. The filter I need to write 
would do the following (in English):

    pass all units where the "acls" array
    contains an "accessMap" object
    that contains a property whose name is one of the user's authorization 
    and whose "allow" property contains "READ"
    and whose "deny" property does not contain "READ"

In the example above, the user has "Role:USER" authorization, and this unit 
has an accessMap that has "Role:USER", which contains "allow", which 
contains "READ", and "Role:USER" contains no "deny". So this unit would 
pass the filter.

I am not seeing how to write a filter for this using ElasticSearch.

I get the impression that there are two ways to deal with nested arrays 
like this: "nested", or "has_child" (or "has_parent").

We are reluctant to use the "nested" filter because it apparently requires 
that the whole block be re-indexed when any of the data changes. Searchable 
content and authorization data can change at any time, in response to user 

It looks to me as though in order to use "has_child" or "has_parent", the 
authorization data would have to be separate from the unit data (in a 
different collection?), and when a node is indexed, it would have to have 
its parent or child specified. I don't know whether the ElasticSearch 
MongoDB River is capable of doing this.

So is this even possible? Or should we rearrange the authorization data?

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