
first of all, congrats for Marvel release. Step in the right direction.

I have some questions: If I understand correctly, as of now Marvel has to
run in the cluster that it collects metrics from (as a plugin). Let's call
this cluster A. It is recommended for production env to have the Marvel
store the metrics to a different cluster. Let's call it B. Now, does it in
fact mean that in order to browse collected metrics (that are stored in B)
the client has to have an access to at least one node of A? (I assume this
is necessary to download the Kibana based web app?). Or let me put it this
way: in case of critical state of cluster A client has to know which nodes
of A are responsive and able to serve the web app prior to investigating
historical data stored in B? If yes, is there any plan to get just the web
app as a standalone package (like zip, war ...) so that client does not
have to rely on cluster A to serve it? Am I misunderstanding the concept?


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