Hello guys, 
I'm learning to use elasticsearch and I ran into a little problem ..

My purpose is to search for a value across multiple fields and return the 
count of these values ​​and the distinct value.

To do this I realized that I have to use the facets.

This is the database schema:

                type: custom
                tokenizer: standard
                filter   : [standard, snowball, lowercase, asciifolding]
                type: custom
                tokenizer: standard
                filter   : [standard, snowball, lowercase, asciifolding, 
                type: edgeNGram
                side: front
                min_gram: 1
                max_gram: 20

 "structure": {
   "properties": {
     "name": {"type": "string", "search_analyzer": "custom_search_analyzer", 
"index_analyzer": "custom_index_analyzer"},
     "locality": {"type": "string", "search_analyzer": 
"custom_search_analyzer", "index_analyzer": "custom_index_analyzer"},
     "province": {"type": "string", "search_analyzer": 
"custom_search_analyzer", "index_analyzer": "custom_index_analyzer"},
     "region": {"type": "string", "search_analyzer": "custom_search_analyzer", 
"index_analyzer": "custom_index_analyzer"}

and this is the query that I tried to use:

"query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "match": {
            "locality": "bolo"
          "match": {
            "region": "bolo"
          "match": {
            "name": "bolo"
  "facets": {
    "region": {
      "query": {
        "term": {
          "region": "bolo"
    "locality": {
      "query": {
        "term": {
          "locality": "bolo"
    "name": {
      "query": {
        "term": {
          "name": "bolo"

Of all the tests I've done this is the query that is closest to my desired 
result, however, does not tell me the count of distinct field, I found it 
to count the total field.

For example, the above query returns the following result:

facets: {
       region: {
       _type: query
       count: 0
    locality: {
       _type: query
       count: 2
    name: {
       _type: query
       count: 0

I would like to have a result like this (not so obviously written is 
correct, but does understand what I need):

facets: {
    locality: {
       _type: query
       "terms": [
           {"term": "Bologna", "count": 1},
           {"term": "Bolognano", "count": 1}


How can I do?

I have already tried to use "terms" instead of "query" in the facets and 
put "index: not_analyzed" in the fields of research, but is only returned 
if I try the exact scope, not part of it!


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