So did anyone ever have an answer as to why the TTL wasn't actually being 
disabled?  I have a default TTL, but I have 1 index that I would like for 
new documents to not be given a TTL.  This index already exists, I just 
want to disable the TTL so as new ones arrive they aren't given a TTL.

I have done exactly as the original poster here did, and when I do my GET 
the value still says it is enabled.  I even tried closing the index first, 
then making the change.  It always replies as if it accepted the command, 
but the value in the get shows it is still active.

On Friday, January 18, 2013 11:48:55 AM UTC-5, Michał wrote:
> Hi,
> I have question about this response. why disabling ttl after it was 
> enabled has no effect on 
> http://localhost:9200/machineindex/logs/_mapping?pretty=true ?? I want to 
> disable ttl on new documents.
> --
> Michał
> W dniu czwartek, 15 marca 2012 11:25:56 UTC+1 użytkownik Thomas Peuss 
> napisał:
>> Hi!
>> We have enabled the TTL feature for some of our indices. This works like 
>> a charm. But we want to disable this feature for one of our indices 
>> temporaryly. I tried with 
>> curl -v -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/machineindex/logs/_mapping' -d '
>> {
>>    "logs": {
>>        "_ttl": {
>>            "enabled": false
>>        }
>>    }
>> }
>> '
>> Response is: {"ok":true,"acknowledged":true}
>> When I check back with curl -XGET '
>> http://localhost:9200/machineindex/logs/_mapping?pretty=true' it is 
>> still shown as "enabled":true.
>> Any idea?
>> CU
>> Thomas

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