I am a bit confused about this topic, I would like to index images 
(png,jpegs, gifs...), my understanding is that I need to extract and index 
text portions from images, I don't really care for the meta data. So, I 
looked online and decided to use apache Tika which I also use to extract 
text and index pdfs (pdfs work fine).
- How do I get the text part of images? All I am able to extract is 
metadata which I don't need.
- Ideally I want to say if this image has no text to extract, then 
discard/ignore?  Can you please clarify this topic a bit more and provide 
any samples if available?  Additionaly, I don't want to store the 64 based 
encoded document.

PutMappingResponse putMappingResponse = new PutMappingRequestBuilder(

                                   client.admin().indices() ).setIndices(


"enabled","no").endObject()  //I believe this line will not store the base 
64 whole _source, below I store the text portion of file only "file"



                                           .field( "term_vector", 
"with_positions_offsets" )

                                           .field( "store", "no" )

                                           .field( "type", "attachment" )




                                                    .field("store", "yes")








        public static void testImage(File file) throws IOException, 
SAXException,TikaException {

       Tika tika = new Tika();

       InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream( new 

   Metadata metadata = new Metadata();

   ContentHandler handler = new DefaultHandler();

   Parser parser = new JpegParser();

   ParseContext context = new ParseContext();

   String mimeType = tika.detect(inputStream);

    metadata.set(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE, mimeType);


 for(int i = 0; i <metadata.names().length; i++) {  //metaData -I don't 
care for this

       String name = metadata.names()[i];
       System.out.println(name + " : " + metadata.get(name));



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