Hello all, I’m getting failed nodes when running searches and I’m hoping 
someone can point me in the right direction.  I have indices created per 
day to store messages.  The pattern is pretty straight forward: the index 
for January 1 is "messages_20140101", for January 2 is "messages_20140102" 
and so on.  Each index is created against a template that specifies 20 
shards. A full year will give 365 indices * 20 shards = 7300 nodes. I have 
recently upgraded to ES 1.0.

When I search for all messages in a year (either using an alias or 
specifying “messages_2013*”), I get many failed nodes.  The reason given 
is: “EsRejectedExecutionException[rejected execution (queue capacity 1000) 
The more often I search, the fewer failed nodes I get (probably caching in 
ES) but I can’t get down to 0 failed nodes.  I’m using ES for analytics so 
the document counts coming back have to be accurate. The aggregate counts 
will change depending on the number of node failures.  We use the Java API 
to create a local node to index and search the documents.  However, we also 
see the issue if we use the URL search API on port 9200.

If I restrict the search for 30 days then I do not see any failures (it’s 
under 1000 nodes so as expected).  However, it is a pretty common use case 
for our customers to search messages spanning an entire year.  Any 
suggestions on how I can prevent these failures?  

Thank you for your help!

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