
I've a index in my elasticsearch like below

   - "_index":"logstash-2014.03.03",
   - "_type":"apache-access",
   - "_id":"snCPRnSHSvm_aaeuHxB84w",
   - "_version":1,
   - "found":true,
   - "_source":{
      - "message":"\tat 
      - "@version":"1",
      - "@timestamp":"2014-03-03T18:39:35.425+05:30",
      - "type":"apache-access",
      - "host":"cloudclient.aricent.com",
      - "path":"/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.40/logs/aricloud/monitoring.log"


I’m trying to qrery the data using filter and below is the query

    "query": {
        "constant_score": {
            "filter": {
                "term": { "message": "RequestProxyAuthentication" }

but the same is giving be null result from index search.
   - "took":275,
   - "timed_out":false,
   - "_shards":{
      - "total":5,
      - "successful":5,
      - "failed":0
   - "hits":{
      - "total":0,
      - "max_score":null,
      - "hits":[


Kindly let mw know how to pass the query string


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